Welcoming Congregation
In 1998 a small committee met for the first time to discuss ways to support the congregation's GLBT members and educate the church community at large to GLBT issues. With the 1990 UUA published resource book edited by The Rev. Scott Alexander entitled "The Welcoming Congregation Resources for Affirming Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and (Transgender) Unitarian Universalists", the committee began to put it's contents to work within the church. Both the work of the committee and the workbook set out to answer the question "How can a congregation today honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person? and become more welcoming to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and (transgender) people"?
In 2001 through a congregational vote, the UUCLV officially became a "Welcoming Congregation" to the GLBT. It declared it's mission statement to read: To challenge the members of the UUCLV to be open to all people and to fostering a nurturing community of mutual acceptance, respect and love.
Shortly after officially becoming a "Welcoming Congregation" the UUCLV formed HAVEN (Hope, Acceptance, Validation, Equality, Nurturing) a unique opportunity for GLBT youth to meet once a week in a safe and supportive environment. Visit The HAVEN web page for more details about the program and activities.
Learn more about the UUA Welcoming Congregation Program.
The UUCLV now has an Interweave Chapter