Sunday at the UUCLV

Welcome to Visitors and Newcomers :: What to expect on Sunday :: How do I Join?

When You First Arrive

Newcomer Information

Please fill out Newcomer information at the Newcomer Table in the Community Room after the service.


Members, friends and newcomers have a long tradition of wearing name tags so that we may better know each other. If you've been coming a few times and would like a permanent name tag, fill out a form on the small bulletin board to the left of the large board in the first floor hallway that holds all of the permanent name tags. If you can't find it, ask anyone for assistance.

During The Service

Parents & Children

Children are a very important part of our community and their religious education is a high priority. We offer infant and toddler nursery care during the service. We have Religious Education ("RE") available for pre-school through high school age grades.

Children attend the first part of the Sunday Service and generally leave thereafter to attend their own Religious Education classes. During the children's story children may sit at the front of the sanctuary with the storyteller. (You may sit up front with your child if you wish.) After the story, we "sing the children out" to their classes. Your child is welcome to attend RE classes. There will be someone in the hallway to help direct you to the proper room. (Or, your children may stay with you during the service). If they attend RE, parents should pick up children (4th grade and under) at 11:45 at their classroom.

After service, please talk with our RE Director or RE Chair about enrolling your children. There will also be more information about our program at the Religious Education table in the Community Room.

Newcomer Introduction

During the service we may invite any newcomers to be recognized. If you are comfortable, please let us know you're here!

Service Closing

The service closes with an optional community hand holding linking the membership physically and spiritually as the minister or worship leader offers closing words or benediction. A postlude may be played as we sit quietly. Please remain seated during this time. Applause may be given after the postlude.

But Don't Leave Yet!

Following all Sunday services we have a time for fellowship in the first floor community room. UUs love coffee and there's plenty of it - Fair Trade, of course. We also have tea and beverages for those who don't prefer coffee. You will find some light refreshments and, best of all, you will find a friendly, engaging congregation to chat with. Share as much as you would like and ask as many questions about the UUCLV as you can think of.

More Information


There is a chairlift available to the upper sanctuary. We also offer a first floor sanctuary connected by closed circuit TV to the upper sanctuary for those members and guests who are differently-abled or prefer a more intimate gathering for worship. We have a handicap entrance located in the south side of the building. We ask that those people who must travel near/through the first floor sanctuary during the worship service to please do so quietly.


We are located at 424 Center St. (the corner of Center and Wall) in Bethlehem, PA. Please go to our "How to Find Us" page for more detailed information.