UUCLV Church Fundraising Event Request Form

  1. All fundraising events must be approved by the Finance Committee.
  2. If all the funds raised will not go directly to the Church General Fund then Board approval is required. Finance will forward the form to the Board.
  3. Check the church calendar »here to confirm no other event is scheduled on the requested date(s).
  4. Allow 7 days for Finance Committee Approval. The Board meets the 1st Thursday of the month.
  5. If public advertising is needed, Finance will forward the form to the Communications Committee for placement of advertising. Allow 4 weeks lead-time.
  6. You will need to submit a Room Reservation Form »here after the event has been approved

  7. Please provide all the information requested. Fields marked with a red * are required. You may upload any additional information as noted at the bottom of the form.